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Introduction to Robotics Analysis Systems Applications Solution Manual

Introduction to Robotics Analysis, systems, Applications

Introduction to Robotics Analysis, systems, Applications

What is a robot? l. Joseph Engelberger, a pioneer in industrial robotics: "I can't

What is a robot? l. Joseph Engelberger, a pioneer in industrial robotics: "I can't define a robot, but I know one when I see one. "

Arkin (1998) "An intelligent robot is a machine able to extract information from its environment and use knowledge about its world to move safely in a meaningful and purposive manner" l

What is Robotics? Robotics is the art, knowledge base, and the know-how of designing,

What is Robotics? Robotics is the art, knowledge base, and the know-how of designing, applying, and using robots in human endeavors. l Robotics is an interdisciplinary subject that benefits from mechanical engineering, electrical and electronic engineering, computer science, biology, and many other disciplines. l

What is a Robot ? Random House Dictionary A machine that resembles a human

What is a Robot ? Random House Dictionary A machine that resembles a human being and does mechanical routine tasks on command. l Robotics Association of America An industrial robot is a re-programmable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks. l

What is a Robot ? A manipulator (or an industrial robot) is composed of

What is a Robot ? A manipulator (or an industrial robot) is composed of a series of links connected to each other via joints. Each joint usually has an actuator (a motor for eg. ) connected to it. l These actuators are used to cause relative motion between successive links. One end of the manipulator is usually connected to a stable base and the other end is used to deploy a tool. l

Classification of Robots - JIRA (Japanese Industrial Robot Association) Class 1: Class 2: Class

Classification of Robots - JIRA (Japanese Industrial Robot Association) Class 1: Class 2: Class 3: Class 4: Class 5: Class 6: Manual-Handling Device Fixed Sequence Robot Variable Sequence Robot Playback Robot Numerical Control Robot Intelligent Robot

Classification of Robots - RIA (Robotics Institute of America) Variable Sequence Robot(Class 3) Playback

Classification of Robots - RIA (Robotics Institute of America) Variable Sequence Robot(Class 3) Playback Robot(Class 4) Numerical Control Robot(Class 5) Intelligent Robot(Class 6)

Classification of Robots AFR (Association FranÇaise de Robotique) Type A: Manual Handling Devices/ telerobotics

Classification of Robots AFR (Association FranÇaise de Robotique) Type A: Manual Handling Devices/ telerobotics Type B: Automatic Handling Devices/ predetermined cycles Type C: Programmable, Servo controlled robot, continuous point-to-point trajectories Type D: Same type with C, but it can acquire information.

What are the parts of a robot? • Manipulator • Pedestal • Controller •

What are the parts of a robot? • Manipulator • Pedestal • Controller • End Effectors • Power Source

Manipulator • Base • Appendages -Shoulder -Arm -Grippers

Manipulator • Base • Appendages -Shoulder -Arm -Grippers

Robot Anatomy l Manipulator consists of joints and links provide relative motion l Links

Robot Anatomy l Manipulator consists of joints and links provide relative motion l Links are rigid members between joints l Each joint provides a "degree-of-freedom" Joint 3 Link 3 End of Arm l Joints Link 2 Link 1 Joint 2 Joint 1 Link 0 Base

Robot Anatomy l Robot manipulator consists of two sections: l Body-and-arm Joint 3 –

Robot Anatomy l Robot manipulator consists of two sections: l Body-and-arm Joint 3 – for positioning of objects in the Link 1 robot's work volume l Wrist assembly – for Joint 1 orientation of objects Link 0 Link 3 End of Arm Link 2 Joint 2 Base

Manipulator Joints l Translational motion l Linear joint (type L) l Orthogonal joint (type

Manipulator Joints l Translational motion l Linear joint (type L) l Orthogonal joint (type O) l Rotary motion l Rotational joint (type R) l Twisting joint (type T) l Revolving joint (type V)

Polar Coordinate Body-and-Arm Assembly l Notation TRL: l Consists of a sliding arm (L

Polar Coordinate Body-and-Arm Assembly l Notation TRL: l Consists of a sliding arm (L joint) actuated relative to the body, which can rotate about both a vertical axis (T joint) and horizontal axis (R joint)

Cylindrical Body-and-Arm Assembly Notation TLO: l Consists of a vertical column, relative to which

Cylindrical Body-and-Arm Assembly Notation TLO: l Consists of a vertical column, relative to which an arm assembly is moved up or down l The arm can be moved in or out relative to the column l

Cartesian Coordinate Body-and-Arm Assembly Notation LOO: l Consists of three sliding joints, two of

Cartesian Coordinate Body-and-Arm Assembly Notation LOO: l Consists of three sliding joints, two of which are orthogonal l Other names include rectilinear robot and x-y-z robot l

Jointed-Arm Robot l Notation TRR:

Jointed-Arm Robot l Notation TRR:

SCARA Robot Notation VRO l Similar to jointed-arm robot except that vertical axes are

SCARA Robot Notation VRO l Similar to jointed-arm robot except that vertical axes are used for shoulder and elbow joints to be compliant in horizontal direction for vertical insertion tasks l

Wrist Configurations l l End effector is attached to wrist assembly Function of wrist

Wrist Configurations l l End effector is attached to wrist assembly Function of wrist assembly is to orient end effector l l Two or three degrees of freedom: l l Body-and-arm determines global position of end effector Roll Pitch Yaw Notation : RRT

Example Sketch following manipulator configurations l (a) TRT: R, (b) TVR: TR, (c) RR:

Example Sketch following manipulator configurations l (a) TRT: R, (b) TVR: TR, (c) RR: T. l Solution:

Robots degrees of freedom Degrees of Freedom: Number of independent position variables which would

Robots degrees of freedom Degrees of Freedom: Number of independent position variables which would has to be specified to locate all parts of a mechanism. l In most manipulators this is usually the number of joints. l

DOF of a Rigid Body In a plane In space

DOF of a Rigid Body In a plane In space

Degrees of Freedom 3 D Space = 6 DOF 3 position 3 orientation In

Degrees of Freedom 3 D Space = 6 DOF 3 position 3 orientation In robotics: DOF = number of independently driven joints As DOF positioning accuracy computational complexity cost flexibility power transmission is more difficult

The Six Possible Lower Pair Joints

The Six Possible Lower Pair Joints

Degrees of Freedom l Degree of freedom - one joint one degree of freedom

Degrees of Freedom l Degree of freedom - one joint one degree of freedom l Simple robots - 3 degrees of freedom in X, Y, Z axis l Modern robot arms have up to 7 degrees of freedom l XYZ, Roll, Pitch and Yaw l The human arm can be used to demonstrate the degrees of freedom. l Crust Crawler- 5 degrees of freedom

Cartesian Robot Applications Applying adhesive to a pane of glass Transferring ICs from a

Cartesian Robot Applications Applying adhesive to a pane of glass Transferring ICs from a pallet to a holding location Camera monitoring of products Transferring & Stacking

The Humanoid Robot Previously developed for recreational and entertainment value. l Research into use

The Humanoid Robot Previously developed for recreational and entertainment value. l Research into use for household chores, aid for elderly aid l

Robots degrees of freedom Consider what is the degree of Fig. 3 1 D.

Robots degrees of freedom Consider what is the degree of Fig. 3 1 D. O. F. Fig. 1. 3 A Fanuc P-15 robot. Reprinted with permission from Fanuc Robotics, North America, Inc. 2 D. O. F. 3 D. O. F.

Robot Joints Prismatic Joint: Linear, No rotation involved. (Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder) Revolute Joint:

Robot Joints Prismatic Joint: Linear, No rotation involved. (Hydraulic or pneumatic cylinder) Revolute Joint: Rotary, (electrically driven with stepper motor, servo motor)

Robot Coordinates Fig. 1. 4 Cartesian/rectangular/gantry (3 P) : 3 cylinders joint Cylindrical (R

Robot Coordinates Fig. 1. 4 Cartesian/rectangular/gantry (3 P) : 3 cylinders joint Cylindrical (R 2 P) : 2 Prismatic joint and 1 revolute joint Spherical (2 RP) : 1 Prismatic joint and 2 revolute joint Articulated/anthropomorphic (3 R) : All revolute(Human arm) Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm (SCARA): 2 paralleled revolute joint and 1 additional prismatic joint

Robot Reference Frames Fig. 1. 6 A robot's World, Joint, and Tool reference frames.

Robot Reference Frames Fig. 1. 6 A robot's World, Joint, and Tool reference frames. Most robots may be programmed to move relative to either of these reference frames.

Robot Workspace Fig. 1. 7 Typical workspaces for common robot configurations

Robot Workspace Fig. 1. 7 Typical workspaces for common robot configurations

Actuators Motors- control the movement of a robot. Identified as Actuators there are three

Actuators Motors- control the movement of a robot. Identified as Actuators there are three common types • DC Motor Stepper motor • Stepper • Servo Motor motor

Joint Drive Systems l Electric l Uses electric motors to actuate individual joints l

Joint Drive Systems l Electric l Uses electric motors to actuate individual joints l Preferred drive system in today's robots l Hydraulic l Uses hydraulic pistons and rotary vane actuators l Pneumatic l Typically limited to smaller robots and simple material transfer applications

DC Motors l Most common and cheapest l Powered with two wires from source

DC Motors l Most common and cheapest l Powered with two wires from source l Draws large amounts of current l Cannot be wired straight from a PIC Does not offer accuracy or speed control l

Stepper Motors l Stepper has many electromagnets l Stepper controlled by sequential turning on

Stepper Motors l Stepper has many electromagnets l Stepper controlled by sequential turning on and off of magnets l Each pulse moves another step, providing a step angle l Example shows a step angle of 90° l. Poor control with a large angle l. Better step angle achieved with the toothed disc

Stepper motor operation Step 1

Stepper motor operation Step 1

Stepper motor operation Step 2

Stepper motor operation Step 2

Stepper motor operation Step 3

Stepper motor operation Step 3

Stepper motor operation Step 4

Stepper motor operation Step 4

Servo motors l Servo offers smoothest control l Rotate to a specific point l

Servo motors l Servo offers smoothest control l Rotate to a specific point l Offer good torque and control l Ideal for powering robot arms etc. However: l Degree of revolution is limited Not suitable for applications which require continuous rotation l

Servo motors l Contain motor, gearbox, driver controller and potentiometer l Three wires -

Servo motors l Contain motor, gearbox, driver controller and potentiometer l Three wires - 0 v, 5 v and PIC signal l Potentiometer connected to gearbox - monitors movement l Provides feedback l If position is distorted - automatic correction + 5 V

Servo motors Operation Pulse Width Modulation (0. 75 ms to 2. 25 ms) l

Servo motors Operation Pulse Width Modulation (0. 75 ms to 2. 25 ms) l Pulse Width takes servo from 0° to 150° rotation l Continuous stream every 20 ms l On programming block, pulse width and output pin must be set. l Pulse width can also be expressed as a variable l

Controller (The brain) • Issues instructions to the robot. • Controls peripheral devices. •

Controller (The brain) • Issues instructions to the robot. • Controls peripheral devices. • Interfaces with robot. • Interfaces with humans.

Robot Control Systems l l Limited sequence control – pick-and-place operations using mechanical stops

Robot Control Systems l l Limited sequence control – pick-and-place operations using mechanical stops to set positions Playback with point-to-point control – records work cycle as a sequence of points, then plays back the sequence during program execution Playback with continuous path control – greater memory capacity and/or interpolation capability to execute paths (in addition to points) Intelligent control – exhibits behavior that makes it seem intelligent, e. g. , responds to sensor inputs, makes decisions, communicates with humans

Robot Control System Joint 1 Joint 2 Cell Supervisor Level 2 Controller & Program

Robot Control System Joint 1 Joint 2 Cell Supervisor Level 2 Controller & Program Level 1 Joint 3 Joint 4 Joint 5 Joint 6 Sensors Level 0

End Effectors (The hand) • Spray paint attachments • Welding attachments • Vacuum heads

End Effectors (The hand) • Spray paint attachments • Welding attachments • Vacuum heads • Hands • Grippers

End Effectors Tools: Tools are used where a specific operation needs to be carried

End Effectors Tools: Tools are used where a specific operation needs to be carried out such as welding, painting drilling etc. - the tool is attached to the mounting plate. Grippers: mechanical, magnetic and pneumatic. Mechanical: l Two fingered most common, also multi-fingered available l Applies force that causes enough friction between object to allow for it to be lifted l Not suitable for some objects which may be delicate / brittle

End Effectors Magnetic: l. Ferrous materials required l. Electro and permanent magnets used Pneumatic:

End Effectors Magnetic: l. Ferrous materials required l. Electro and permanent magnets used Pneumatic: l. Suction cups from plastic or rubber l. Smooth even surface required l. Weight & size of object determines size and number of cups

End Effectors The special tooling for a robot that enables it to perform a

End Effectors The special tooling for a robot that enables it to perform a specific task l Two types: l l Grippers – to grasp and manipulate objects (e. g. , parts) during work cycle l Tools – to perform a process, e. g. , spot welding, spray painting

Grippers and Tools

Grippers and Tools

Working Envelope

Working Envelope

Power Source (The food) • Electric • Pneumatic • Hydraulic

Power Source (The food) • Electric • Pneumatic • Hydraulic

Robot Languages Microcomputer Machine Language Level: the most basic and very efficient but difficult

Robot Languages Microcomputer Machine Language Level: the most basic and very efficient but difficult to understand to follow. Point-to-Point Level: Funky Cincinnati Milacron's T 3 It lacks branching, sensory information. Primitive Motion Level: VAL by Unimation™ Interpreter based language. Structured Programming Level: Task-Oriented Level: This is a compiler based but more difficult to learn. Not exist yet and proposed IBM in the 1980 s.

Robot Programming l Leadthrough programming l Work cycle is taught to robot by moving

Robot Programming l Leadthrough programming l Work cycle is taught to robot by moving the manipulator through the required motion cycle and simultaneously entering the program into controller memory for later playback l Robot programming languages l Textual programming language to enter commands into robot controller l Simulation and off-line programming

Robot Programming l l l Textural programming languages Enhanced sensor capabilities Improved output capabilities

Robot Programming l l l Textural programming languages Enhanced sensor capabilities Improved output capabilities to control external equipment Program logic Computations and data processing Communications with supervisory computers

Leadthrough Programming 1. Powered leadthrough l l 2. Common for pointto-point robots Uses teach

Leadthrough Programming 1. Powered leadthrough l l 2. Common for pointto-point robots Uses teach pendant Manual leadthrough l Convenient for continuous path control robots

Motion Commands MOVE P 1 HERE P 1 - used during lead through of

Motion Commands MOVE P 1 HERE P 1 - used during lead through of manipulator MOVES P 1 DMOVE(4, 125) APPROACH P 1, 40 MM DEPART 40 MM DEFINE PATH 123 = PATH(P 1, P 2, P 3) MOVE PATH 123 SPEED 75

Interlock and Sensor Commands Interlock Commands WAIT 20, ON SIGNAL 10, 6. 0 REACT

Interlock and Sensor Commands Interlock Commands WAIT 20, ON SIGNAL 10, 6. 0 REACT 25, SAFESTOP Gripper Commands OPEN CLOSE 25 MM

Simulation and Off-Line Programming

Simulation and Off-Line Programming

Example A robot performs a loading and unloading operation for a machine tool as

Example A robot performs a loading and unloading operation for a machine tool as follows: l l Robot pick up part from conveyor and loads into machine (Time=5. 5 sec) Machining cycle (automatic). (Time=33. 0 sec) Robot retrieves part from machine and deposits to outgoing conveyor. (Time=4. 8 sec) Robot moves back to pickup position. (Time=1. 7 sec) Every 30 work parts, the cutting tools in the machine are changed which takes 3. 0 minutes. The uptime efficiency of the robot is 97%; and the uptime efficiency of the

Solution Tc = 5. 5 + 33. 0 + 4. 8 + 1. 7

Solution Tc = 5. 5 + 33. 0 + 4. 8 + 1. 7 = 45 sec/cycle Tool change time Ttc = 180 sec/30 pc = 6 sec/pc Robot uptime ER = 0. 97, lost time = 0. 03. Machine tool uptime EM = 0. 98, lost time = 0. 02. Total time = Tc + Ttc/30 = 45 + 6 = 51 sec = 0. 85 min/pc Rc = 60/0. 85 = 70. 59 pc/hr

Introduction to Robotics Analysis Systems Applications Solution Manual
