Automatically add Image attributes such every bit Epitome Title, Epitome Caption, Clarification And Alt Text from Prototype Filename.

The plugin can update epitome attributes for both new images and existing images in the media library.

Image alt text and championship is critical for your image SEO and will help users discover your images (and there past your website) in Google / Yahoo / Bing image search.

Information technology immune me to salvage tons of time. Further, the support is squeamish and fix to help.
– thnk4

Proper alt text also helps people who are blind or who have low vision understand your images in that location past improving the accessibility of your website. This will open up your website to a new segment of visitors and increase your traffic.

If I could requite this i more star I would!
– jdev

With this plugin you can:

  • Gear up the paradigm filename as the prototype Title.
  • Set the image filename equally the epitome Caption.
  • Set the image filename as the prototype Description.
  • Prepare the image filename as the paradigm Alt Text. This was a default feature in WordPress before 4.7. The plugin restores this essential characteristic which is corking for SEO.
  • Insert Image Title into post HTML. WordPress stopped adding Image Titles to images since WordPress 3.five. The plugin restores information technology.
  • Remove hyphens from the image filename.
  • Remove underscores from the image filename.
  • Remove full stops from filename.
  • Remove commas from filename.
  • Remove all numbers from filename.
  • Cull to plow off any of the above mentioned features.

With the majority updater yous tin can:

  • Set the paradigm filename as image Championship, Caption, Description and Alt Text after removing hyphens and underscores from the filename.
  • Update any number of images in your Media Library in one click.

If your image filename is My_image-proper noun.jpg, your Prototype Championship, Caption, Clarification And Alt Text will be My image name.

The plugin settings and bulk updater are in WordPress Admin > Settings > Image Attributes. Here you can cull which attributes to update for NEW uploads.

Delight call back to accept a database backup before running the bulk updater. The bulk updater updates ALL attributes for existing images in the Media Library and ignores the settings prepare for NEW uploads.

Image Attributes Pro

A pro addition is now available for the plugin. Check out Image Attributes Pro.

The pro add-on can update the image attributes from not just the image filename, but also from the post / page / product / custom post type title. You lot can fine tune the bulk updater settings and even clean up the actual image filename.

Cheers and so much for all your help in trying to fix this, its very much appreciated indeed. You've gone above and beyond what I was expecting in support!
Residue assured I will give great feedback on your plugin anywhere I tin!!
James Barber, for Image Attributes Pro via email.

What the pro improver you get these additional features:

  • Employ post championship as championship text. If image is not attached to a post, image filename volition be used instead.
  • Use postal service championship equally alt text. If prototype is not attached to a mail service, image filename will exist used instead.
  • Utilize mail title every bit caption. If paradigm is not attached to a post, image filename volition be used instead.
  • Employ postal service title as description. If image is not attached to a post, image filename will be used instead.
  • Build your ain attributes using custom tags like %filename%, %posttitle%, %sitetitle%, %category%, %tag%, %yoastfocuskw%, %rankmathfocuskw%, %seopresstargetkw%. Each custom tag will be replaced with it's value. You can combine them every bit yous please!
  • Use Yoast Focus Keyword and Rank Math Focus Keyword as image attributes.
  • Clear whatever epitome aspect by setting information technology as blank / empty.
  • Exclude images from Bulk Updater. A meta box and a checkbox is added to the Media Library > Edit Media sidebar. When checked, the bulk updater will non update the attributes of that image in the media library or in posts / products where the image is used.
  • Remove apostrophe ( ' ) from filename
  • Remove tilde ( ~ ) from filename
  • Remove plus ( + ) from filename
  • Remove pound ( # ) from filename
  • Remove ampersand ( & ) from filename
  • Remove round brackets ( ( ) ) from filename
  • Remove square brackets ( [ ] ) from filename
  • Remove curly brackets ( { } ) from filename
  • Filter words or characters from filename
  • Filter filename with regex
  • catechumen image attributes to lowercase
  • Catechumen Epitome ATTRIBUTES TO UPPERCASE
  • Use title casing for epitome attributes. First Letter Of Each Word Will Be Capitalized.
  • Use sentence casing for image attributes. First letter of a sentence volition be capitalized.
  • Clean the actual image filename after upload.
  • Choose to turn off any of the to a higher place mentioned features.

With the Image Attributes Pro majority updater you lot can:

  • Update image title and alt text for images inserted into posts and custom postal service types. Non just the media library. What is the difference?
  • Fine tune all settings. Choose what to update.
  • Update image titles / alt text in media library just. Image titles / alt text in existing posts will be left unchanged.
  • Update epitome titles / alt text in media library and existing posts.
  • Update image titles / alt text in media library and existing posts but if no championship / alt text is set. Existing image titles / alt text volition non be changed.
  • Update image caption and description in the media library. Existing image captions and descriptions tin be preserved.
  • Build your own attributes using custom tags like %filename%, %posttitle%, %sitetitle%, %category%, %tag%, %yoastfocuskw%, %rankmathfocuskw%, %seopresstargetkw%. Each custom tag will exist replaced with it'south value. You lot tin can combine them equally you please!
  • Choose to plow off whatever of the above mentioned features.
  • Modify car generated image attributes using the iaffpro_image_attributes filter.
  • Cull specific post types to bulk update using the iaffpro_included_post_types filter.
  • Disable updating of attributes in media library completely using the iaffpro_update_media_library filter.
  • Add or remove custom image attributes using the iaffpro_html_image_markup_post_update filter

Other Image Attributes Pro features:

  • Bulk Update image attributes from WordPress Media Library. Select images and cull Update prototype attributes Bulk action in Media Library (listing view). Read more.
  • Majority Update prototype attributes from WordPress admin page for Posts, Pages and WooCommerce Products. Select the posts, pages or WooCommerce products in bulk and cull "Update image attributes" Bulk action. Read more.

For screenshots, FAQ and total list of features, delight encounter the product website.

No Competitors
This is the only one that enables you to add missing tags to your images in one go, simple! … This ane is very well coded and the writer pays great attentions to users feedback / requests / support.
– arsenalemusica

To install this plugin:

  1. Install the plugin through the WordPress admin interface, or upload the plugin folder to /wp-content/plugins/ using ftp.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress.
  3. Go to WordPress Admin > Settings > Image Attributes.

Will this plugin update existing images in the media library?

Yep, the plugin will update prototype Title, Caption, Description And Alt Text from the epitome filename for both existing images in the media library and new uploads.

I demand more than features. Can I hire you?

Delight checkout the Paradigm Attributes Pro addition to meet if it suits your requirement. If not, please ship in a feature request with a brief description of your requirement and I will be in affect shortly.

This plugin saved me a lot of fourth dimension, how tin I show my appreciation?

I am glad to hear that! Yous can either upgrade to pro or leave a rating to motivate me to keep working on the plugin.

I needed to dynamically add alt text to Gutenberg gallery via Oxygen builder. This is great to save fourth dimension and populate alt text automatically.

what else can i say except the title? - 5 stars without any hesitation! cheers very much for developing it!

Well, I guess we all know this great and unique plugin. I purchased the plugin and it works well! Likewise, the support is crawly!

Hello everyone I have tried several plug-ins to handle missing alt tags before I found this i. Information technology handles all the fields per image and does the job correct. My SEO-tool kept telling 6 out of one.200 images even so missed an alt tag. I could non run across the problem, nor could my developer. Arun (developer of this plug-in) delivered a very precise analyse, so I could proceed to the developer of my theme, who could then easily solve the the problem in the architect. That is what a perfectionist calls super back up and precise troubleshooting. All the the best!

Thanks, this is what nosotros demand to perform a simple job.

Read all 59 reviews

"Auto Image Attributes From Filename With Bulk Updater (Add together Alt Text, Image Championship For Image SEO)" is open up source software. The post-obit people have contributed to this plugin.


  • Arun Basil Lal


  • Appointment: 24.March.2022.
  • Tested with WordPress 5.9.2.
  • New Characteristic: Added 'Skip Image' button for the Majority Updater. Useful during troubleshooting. Read more than.
  • Enhancement: Compatibility with Image Attributes Pro version 3.0. Check what's new in 3.0.


  • Date: xix.Jan.2022.
  • Tested with WordPress 5.8.3.
  • Enhancement: Removed "Global Switch" option every bit office of cleaning upward the user interface. This option was redundant and the same can exist achieved either by deactivating the plugin or by disabling every selection in "General Settings". Please take a note of this change if you have disabled "Global Switch" on your website.
  • UI Enhancement: Added description text to clarity settings to ameliorate usability.
  • UI Enhancement: Added demo video link in plugin settings page.


  • Date: 02.July.2021.
  • Enhancement: Compatibility with Image Attributes Pro v2.0.


  • Date: 18.June.2021.
  • Tested with WordPress 5.vii.two.
  • UI Enhancement: Changed social club of General Settings to match the society in Media Library.
  • UI Enhancement: Changed the discussion fastened to uploaded in If image is not attached to a post, paradigm filename will be used instead for better clarity.
  • I18n: More than strings are now translation ready, thanks to @alexclassroom.

  • Appointment: 06.January.2019.
  • Tested with WordPress 5.0.2.
  • Enhancement: Improved bulk updater alert and inline documentation.
  • Bug Fix: Fixed a bug that ignored the setting for inserting image title into the mail service HTML. Thanks @jamesryancooper


  • Date: 06.May.2018.
  • Enhancement: Inverse text domain from abl_iaff_td to auto-image-attributes-from-filename-with-majority-updater to make the plugin translation ready in
  • Enhancement: Code improvements.
  • Enhancement: Added an activation notice with link to the settings page for better on-boarding experience.


  • Appointment: 22.November.2017.
  • NEW: Global switch to enable or disable the plugin.
  • NEW: Test button.
  • NEW: Stop Majority Updater push.
  • NEW: Support tab.
  • Improvement: Inverse source of filename from guid to wp_get_attachment_url() to forbid conflicts with other plugins. GUID was being replaced by other plugins. Thanks to @niresh12495 for [bringing this upwards] (
  • Impreovement: Added checks to check if attachment is image before processing.
  • FIX: Added boolval() function for backwards compatibility with servers with PHP older than PHP 5.5.
  • Added preview of premium options that ship with Image Attributes Pro
  • UI Improvements.
  • Code improvements.


  • Engagement: 17.August.2017.
  • Improved the compages of the plugin laying foundation for future updates. Utilizing my starter plugin framework
  • Bug fix: For images that had EXIF data, EXIF information was used instead of filename. Props to @mathieupellegrin for reporting this.
  • NEW: Added option to Insert Paradigm Title into HTML. WordPress stopped including prototype titles since three.v. Code from Restore Prototype Championship plugin was used.
  • NEW: Remove full stops ( . ) from filename.
  • NEW: Remove commas ( , ) from filename.
  • NEW: Remove all numbers ( 0-nine ) from filename.
  • NEW: Added a warning and user confirmation before while clicking "Run Bulk Updater" push button to prevent accidental clicks.
  • UI Improvement: Cleaned up the interface and moved the Bulk Updater to its ain tab.
  • UI Improvement: Bulk updater log is now displayed in a neat box instead of but press the results on the page.
  • Parts of the code was updated for more efficiency and faster processing.
  • Tested on WordPress 4.8.ane. Issue = laissez passer.


  • Date: 15.July.2017.
  • Added: Character filter options. Plugin now removes hyphens and underscores.
  • Bug Fix: Small-scale bug fix.


  • Engagement: 4.July.2017.
  • Added: Options to choose individual image attributes for NEW uploads.


  • Date: 4.July.2017.
  • Start release of the plugin.